Legitscores Uncategorized Holger Runer reagerer på Djokovic tale om sine fans..

Holger Runer reagerer på Djokovic tale om sine fans..

Efter at have besejret Holger Rune i første runde af US Open, anklagede Novak Djokovic fans for manglende respekt for jubelfejl og dobbeltfejl under kampen. Djokovic udtrykte sin skuffelse over publikums opførsel og understregede, at selvom han forstår, at de har præferencer, så krydser jubel for fejl en grænse. Han foreslog, at sådanne handlinger kunne have en negativ indvirkning på spillernes mentale tilstand og overordnede præstation på banen. Djokovic, kendt for sit fokus og intensitet under kampe, fremhævede behovet for respekt overfor alle spillere, uanset personlige præferencer eller nationaliteter. Hans kommentarer understregede vigtigheden af ​​sportsånd og fair play i tennis, og opfordrede fans til at støtte spillere på en måde, der opretholder spillets integritet.


After defeating Holger Rune in the first round of the US Open, Novak Djokovic accused fans of disrespect for cheering faults and double faults during the match. Djokovic expressed his disappointment in the crowd’s behavior, emphasizing that while he understands they have preferences, cheering for errors crosses a line. He suggested that such actions could negatively impact players’ mental states and overall performance on the court. Djokovic, known for his focus and intensity during matches, highlighted the need for respect towards all players, regardless of personal preferences or nationalities. His comments underscored the importance of sportsmanship and fair play in tennis, urging fans to support players in a manner that upholds the integrity of the game.


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